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5 Diet Tips You Should Stop Using

Fruits and vegetables lay on the bag
Have you noticed how almost everyone around you has suddenly become an expert at giving nutrition advice? Your neighbor, your gym trainer, and nearly every blog on the internet claim to be the best dietician in Dubai. But not all advice is accurate.

Here’s my professional take on some nutrition advice you should stop following:

01/ Only Shop the Perimeter.

This is one of the oldest pieces of advice out there, but it’s not entirely accurate! Yes, shopping the perimeter encourages you to buy fresh food typically found there, but it also suggests avoiding the inner aisles where healthy products like nuts, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and olive oil are located. These items are not only nutritious but also have a long shelf life, so stocking up on them ensures you always have healthy options at home.

02/ Switch to Himalayan Salt to Cut Back on Sodium.

Himalayansalt and regular table salt have almost the same amount of sodium by weight and both can cause hypertension; a health issue that can be resolved by losing only 5% of your weight. 

03/ Stay Away from Bananas, They Contain Too Much Sugar.

This is simply not true. A medium banana contains about the same amount of sugar as a medium apple or pear. Bananas are affordable and widely available, and their fructose is a natural sugar. If you’re following a  weight loss diet plan and want to reduce sugar intake, it’s better to avoid foods and drinks with added sugars, such as sweetened beverages, rather than cutting out bananas.

04/ Don’t Eat White Foods.

This advice is only partly true if it refers to swapping white bread, rice, and pasta for whole grains. However, avoiding all white foods like potatoes, white quinoa, onions, or cauliflower makes no sense. These vegetables are packed with essential nutrients and vitamins that are beneficial for your health.

05/ Stop Eating Gluten.

Suddenly everyone has become gluten-intolerant. Yes, some people need a gluten-free diet, like those with celiac disease, or those who have a gluten sensitivity, but for the rest of the population, gluten isn’t harmful. Gluten is what helps bread rise and makes pizza crust chewy, and gluten-containing grains like breads and pastas supply fiber and other key nutrients. Plus, following a gluten-free lifestyle is not an easy thing, so there’s no need to do it unless you need In conclusion, always make sure to get your advice from trusted sources. I’m Christelle Bedrossian, your trusted dietitian and hypnotherapist in Dubai, with 16 years of experience. If you want more personalized tips, feel free to connect with me. 

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