Discover how to
live a better life!
I’ll help you achieve the figure you want while feeling healthy and building good habits for life!
Get in touch
Diet programs I can help with
- Weight management
- Therapeutic programs (hypertension...)
- Sports nutrition
- PCOS (Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome)
- Pregnancy
- Post-pregnancy
- Women’s conditions (menopause...)
- Children and Adolescents
- Athletes
- Vegans and vegetarians
- Post–weight loss surgery
- Couples (fertility and preconception)
- Families
- Nutrition education

Weight Management

Therapeutic Diet Program

Sports Nutrition Program
Are you involved in a general fitness program but not getting the results you were hoping for? Whether your target is to increase your muscle mass, decrease your body fat, lose weight or get fit, this program will help you optimize your results.

Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome Program

Diet Program for Pregnancy

Diet Program for Post-Pregnancy

Diet Programs for Women
Pre-menopause and menopause

Diet Program for Children

Program for Athletes
Athletes involved in moderate or high-frequency training programs will need to change their intake to meet nutritional requirements. If you’re an athlete, this program is for you. I will give you a diet that’s tailored to the intensity and duration of your exercise program.
Many factors affect an athlete’s nutritional needs: the type of activity (aerobic vs. anaerobic), gender, weight, height, workout or activity stage (pre-workout, intra-workout, recovery), and more. And it’s all too esay for fatigue, injury, and soreness to get in the way of our performance. A proper diet will ensure your needs are met and reduce these disturbances in performance.
I’ll tailor your pre-game and post-game meals so you can achieve peak performance by training and eating the right diet: the right quantity of protein, the best supplements to take, the right foods to fuel your body, and the right amount of water.

Vegans and Vegetarians

Weight Loss Surgery Nutrition Program
I’m trained in providing pre- and post-operative care for weight loss surgery. I offer diet programs to all patients who underwent or will undergo procedures including ballon placement, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, plication procedure, and more.

Diet Program for Couples

Programs for Families

Nutrition Education
Workshops and Corporate Programs

Emotional Eating Workshop
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Corporate Wellness Program
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Ready to learn more about your body?
These tests will guide you.
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What clients are saying about me
I have visited a lot of dietitians with no results, but this time Dr. Christelle exceeded my expectations!!