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What Makes A Healthy Fertility Diet For Women?

Fruits and vegetables lay on the bag
Nowadays, many couples face fertility problems even though they might not have any organic health problems. Are fertility problems related to women's eating habits?  Are there any lifestyle recommendations that help increase a woman's chance to conceive? I am a certified nutritionist, dietician and hypnotherapist in Dubai and I will give you answers to those questions

01/ Connection of diet with fertility health.

What we know is that the foods you eat today affect the health of your eggs 90 days from now. In addition, hormones build themselves from the ingredients you provide through your diet. That's why the number one cause of infertility (anovulation - lack of ovulation) can many times be remedied by changes in the diet. The fertility diet can help women with ovulation problems and not all infertile women. 

02/ How does a woman's weight affect fertility?

Being underweight (BMI<19) or overweight (BMI > 24.9) can delay the time a woman takes to conceive. In addition, being underweight is more problematic than being overweight since the time to conception increases in underweight women. Body fat cells produce estrogen. Women who do not have sufficient amounts of body fat may have menstrual cycle irregularities, anovulation, and infertility problems.

03/ What are important nutrients for your fertility?

Women who do not get enough zinc and iron may suffer from anovulation (lack of ovulation) and probably poor egg health, which can inhibit pregnancy at a rate 60% higher than that of those with enough iron stored in their blood. If you want to talk to an expert nutritionist in Dubai, reach out to me now!

04/ What can negatively affect women's fertility? 

Here is a list of foods and drinks that affect women's fertility:

Sugar and starch: High consumption of sugary sodas, fruit drinks, and starches lowers our immunity. It also leads to hormonal imbalance and insulin resistance, which disrupts normal ovulation by preventing the body from ovulating.

Trans fat: high consumption of red meat and trans fats can negatively affect your fertility. It attacks the quality of your egg and disrupts the hormonal balance, causing inflammation. As per a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, if a woman is eating 2% of calories from trans-fat, they have double the risk of ovulatory infertility.

Caffeine: Caffeine is a stimulant related to impaired fertility. Low to medium caffeine consumption (less than 300 mg daily, or about 2 cups of coffee) won't prevent getting pregnant. But you may want to cut out caffeine altogether if you're having difficulty conceiving or undergoing in vitro fertilization. Drinking more than five cups of coffee a day is linked to lower fertility.

Alcohol: If you are addicted to alcohol, you are not only going to face decreased fertility but also cardiovascular or organ failure issues. An occasional glass of wine or beer most likely won't hurt your odds of conceiving. Just make sure you aren't already pregnant because alcohol can hurt a developing fetus.  

Smoking: Free radicals from smoke are molecules that can damage the ovaries and reproductive organs. In addition, smoking affects how receptive the uterus is to the egg. Women trying to conceive must stay away from smoking or shouldn't even inhale someone else's smoke. 

05/ Is there a fertility diet? 

A combination of activity changes (diet and exercise) is necessary to increase a woman's chance to conceive. The fertility diet includes:

  • Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables contain antioxidants, B vitamins, and minerals that boost fertility. They help protect the egg's health from the damage caused by free radicals.
  • Enough iron is needed for meat, chicken, fish, legumes, and green leafy vegetables.
  • Replacing a serving of meat each day with vegetable protein (legumes, soya beans, and nuts) or dairy protein can boost fertility.
  • Olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids help fertility by regulating hormones in the body. A low-fat diet may cause issues with ovulation due to a lack of progesterone.
  • Surprisingly, consuming more high-fat dairy products and less low-fat dairy products can increase your chances of conceiving. These include full-fat dairy, whole yogurt, and cheeses, preferably organic and produced without antibiotics, synthetic growth hormones, and pesticides. 
  • Eat less trans fats and sugar. Avoid artificial sweeteners; pay attention to diet desserts, too.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoking, as mentioned before.

06/ Key nutrients a woman in her childbearing age needs to get 

  • Calcium: A woman's diet must contain at least 1,000 mg of calcium daily. If you're vegan or can't tolerate dairy products, take a calcium/vitamin D supplement to cut your risk of developing osteoporosis later in life.
  • Omega 3: Eat cooked fish and seafood twice a week (180 g every time), but avoid sushi. You can take a high-quality fish oil to ensure sufficient w3 fats. Fish have essential fats called w3 fatty acids, which your body needs for fertility, and seafood is the best source. 
  • B complex, especially folate B9: A deficiency in these nutrients could cause severe birth defects. B9 is essential for supporting a healthy pregnancy, preventing neural tube defects, and helping your body produce new cells along with vitamins B6 and B12. Eat foods like chickpeas, broccoli, asparagus, spinach, avocados, orange juice, and fortified whole grains to meet your daily 400-microgram B9 requirement.
  • Iron: Fill your body's iron reserves before you get pregnant, especially if your periods are mainly heavy. Get your daily dose of 18 mg from foods such as lean beef, pumpkin seeds, fortified breakfast cereal, soybeans, and skinless poultry, vegetarian sources like legumes.
  • Zinc: A zinc deficiency is harmful to fertility in both men and women. Increase your intake of it by including more seafood in your diet. You can also refer to an expert nutritionist who can suggest zinc supplements.


Finally, there isn't one key diet for women who are trying to conceive. Nutrition is sort of like an orchestra; you need to have all factors in place for the top result. If you practice all of these recommendations, it could have a big impact on your fertility. I provide PCOS weight loss programs and pregnancy diet plans in Dubai. Get in touch with me now!

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